Ep 08: Unlock Your Purpose and Success Through Conscious Leadership

Unlock Your Purpose and Success Through Conscious Leadership Podcast Transcript

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Hi welcome to the authentic you I'm doctor Julie Ducharme back again for another amazing episode.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: If you haven't listened to our podcast before this is all about talking with people who are doing authentic things.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: All around the world and I'm.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So blessed that I get you share some time with these people today.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I have Terra money with US Terra is an executive strategic spiritualized embodiment coach mentoring conscious leaders.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So they can transcend and create global impact freedom and access the quantum Byfield embodying inter piece.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Moving from friction to flow and achieving their greatest dreams and ambitions through higher self awareness at <unk> and panic healing.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: She is the CEO of impact within a company billed on the foundation of empowering and enlightening woman with her teaching.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And spirituality intuition.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Vibration medicine quantum touch and energy messaging message medicine such as <unk>, which you're gonna have to tell me if I said that right or not Terra.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um Terra, welcome to the show.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Hi.

Tara Murney: Sweetheart.

Tara Murney: You're close it's young <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Thank you.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I should have asked I just thought as I was reading the last thing and I'm like oh my gosh.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and it was.

Tara Murney: It's such a powerful.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Like that was one sentence that I was reading it was so powerful of like everything you're doing and as I'm reading it I'm like oh wow.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Owe field inner piece like this is I mean we're gonna dig into this because there's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So much there's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So much and you had so much more in this file.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But I felt like I was gonna like give away the secrets before.

Tara Murney: We even talked about um.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So because I'm looking I'm like what if I read all this like it's gonna take away all that stuff.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I wanted to jump in here and Karen I became fast friends we were working with a million anti Medi and um just a little side note she's a Candela genius or where is it cancel.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yes.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Kansas <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No she's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So good at it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Uh so I just have to throw that in that <unk> I think you're.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: An artist as well.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Right.

Tara Murney: I am yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I didn't even see that in here.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So you're, an artist as well.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Which is great, because I'm not I'm stick figures.

Tara Murney: So I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I love people who are artist because.

Tara Murney: It's a learning process.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: It's it's just how it is yes.

Tara Murney: So.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I'm really excited to dive into all of this and of course you have this amazing amazing bio here that we're looking at.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But I always like to go back, right back story a little bit because how in the world did you get to becoming the spiritual life embodiment coach am mentoring conscious leaders person and I wanna go back a little bit 'cause I know you have a really interesting back story that are listeners would love to hear about.

Tara Murney: Yeah, for sure.

Tara Murney: So it was a long journey and still on that journey I don't think we ever really get to like a destination it's a whole journey experience, but I had a great childhood actually growing up I have two beautiful parents and when I was fourteen I decided to take a walk with my girlfriend to a local like McDonald's Plaza I'm, just being young fourteen year old girls you know getting just doing stupid things.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Cause little summer was.

Tara Murney: Really really hot I.

Tara Murney: Believe we are actually going <unk>.

Tara Murney: We can't remember anymore.

Tara Murney: But I do remember walking into the Plaza and a jeep driven by and you know, most fourteen year old girls when they see a puppy there's, a IP hanging, a deeper look at the puppy and those five words, changed the the direction of my childhood or my adolescent years for many many years I was picked up I was trafficked.

Tara Murney: Um this is at the age of fourteen and then when I I'll fast forward, cause I'm telling you it's Netflix.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Series for sure Julie.

Tara Murney: But <unk> when I was fifteen, my mother was involved in a hurry for car accident.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So she.

Tara Murney: Hit her head.

Tara Murney: She had physical damage to her body, but she also hit her head.

Tara Murney: So bad they diagnosed with D id which is just associate of identity disorder.

Tara Murney: So she now had like thirty plus personalities and so my father was very angry, man I, love my father to pieces.

Tara Murney: But I think at that time he's going through.

Tara Murney: So much stress, he was now taken care of my mother taken care of two children.

Tara Murney: He was cooking and cleaning and doing a laundry the banking plus he was working and it was.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Just a really really.

Tara Murney: Bad time in my life and so I didn't really have anybody to talk to I was going through the drama of what I was going through the drama of my mother.

Tara Murney: My angry father and so I ended up being a journal and at one point from the ages of fourteen to about thirty three I had twenty six channels.

Tara Murney: My possession and um we had tracked them years later through um I, do work with a lot of doctors and I got interviewed by a lot of doctors.

Tara Murney: Um and we tracked and trace.

Tara Murney: So that I had eighteen attempt of suicide from the ages of fourteen to thirty three.

Tara Murney: So it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Was it was a really long?

Tara Murney: Journey for me.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And they.

Tara Murney: Diagnosed me actually with complex post traumatic stress disorder high functioning anxiety and a clinical.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Depression.

Tara Murney: And they told me that I'd be on meds for the rest of my life and this was just absolutely no no for me my mother had already been on a care cell of meds, because of her illness um and I refused and so what happened was I really just chose to better myself I just kinda got up one day and said listen, you know, I was always a good kid, I was the kid who like if you drop something at the grocery store I was the one picking it up for you at hole doors for people I've always.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Been very very good.

Tara Murney: Hearted and so I, could never understand why all these bad things keep happening to me and it wasn't until I had my children um I was married for for eleven years to a covered Norris.

Tara Murney: Um which was like hell in a cage.

Tara Murney: All over again.

Tara Murney: Um which was actually the final attempt at suicide that it dawned on me that all of these things that were happening to me were actually gifts and when I speak on big stage and I speak to people people like what drama is not a gift and I'm, not saying that drama is insignificant or it's.

Tara Murney: Not a real thing, because it really is but I changed my perspective on it and I started it started to look at like well maybe God just gave me all of this because I knew I could handle it and then I would somewhere along the lines further down the road I could help other people and that's exactly what has happened and so I am grateful for the experience.

Tara Murney: Those are the coals notes.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But it was a lot.

Tara Murney: Of work it was a really long journey.

Tara Murney: Um stupor long Julie like super long and there's times where I would call back and so it's been it's been quite challenging, but it's been beautiful and I'm.

Tara Murney: Great full for every moment, because today I look at my life I have three businesses I work with the incredible Amelia Internet the human behavior.

Tara Murney: It's like I, just have so many great things going on and so it all happened cause I shipped, my present.

Tara Murney: My perspective and I just chose to bet on myself and I think that's really what resiliency is right.

Tara Murney: And <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Absolutely.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Well thank you for sharing that I'm being transparent and open I know that there are other woman out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: They're dealing with this and even when you mentioned the Norris.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah, that hits home with me because I do and have experience for many years different friends along the way who have dealt with that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So gosh.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I have people I wanna refer to you already.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um [laughter] for support on that and you know, I just think it's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So important a lot of times I believe that woman feel they should suffer alone, because if they're really honest about their struggles people will think they're weak and <unk> has this this for real I I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Guess for me, because I experience this this real thing like I can't show weakness, because because I'm already considered week as a woman.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I need to suffer alone and I need to be quiet about my suffering and I need to just suck it up because how am I gonna work and and I really feel like that's shifting and obviously we'll talk about she talks as well.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Because we have to get through to <unk> talks.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um but that's really one of the vision admissions if she talks is allowing woman to share their story in a very transparent honest.

Tara Murney: Way.

Tara Murney: So that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Other woman like you said don't have to suffer don't have to go through that they can find a way to make it through it or find someone who can help give them some guidance mentoring which is is what you do as.

Tara Murney: A coach and.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I just feel like that's, still lacking, you know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um and I'm sure.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I still do it too I'm.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Sure.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: There's times where I'm like.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I don't wanna tell anyone about this 'cause like this would be so embarrassing Adam.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No I'm dealing with this.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Because that I don't want people think I struggle.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Right.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and I'm sure people be like all your life is perfect and I'm like <unk> [laughter] <unk> the shower when I'm buying my eyes out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: [laughter].

Tara Murney: <unk> [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I just appreciate that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Because it's it's a lot of times I think as women we don't want to do that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I feel stronger every time I'm transparent with some you know, every time because if one person is like that's, what I needed here.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I'm like well that like you say like that's that's what I was not [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I also really appreciate that you look at this as a blessing in disguise.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You know that that you have every reason to be in the corner sucking your thumb saying my life sucks, but instead you chose a really positive point of view and I think that's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So important in the world today you know, I mean right, we could pick a million things of wire life sucks and why we shouldn't go on, but you know, just hearing that from you is is really inspirational to me and and I appreciate you sharing.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I wanna go a little bit more I mean this whole sentence.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Okay.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You gotta educate me quantum bio field embodying inner inner piece I I need to get educated on this you're talking about conscious leaders which I'm familiar with um you're talking with moving from friction to flow.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um I I need a little help on this and I've heard of panic feeling, but I'm not fully educated.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So fill me in on what this you're.

Tara Murney: Doing what I'm talking about like sometimes are.

Tara Murney: R challenges or trauma.

Tara Murney: Whatever you want to to label it as our actually gifts in disguise and so when I was really young I was very spiritual kit and like I was the girl in the word ally that you would find 'em out in we have forest behind our elementary school and so during recess it was always Terra money that was missing and they would find me in <unk> or it's like talking to the trees I was very rooted in self I was and so when I went through this journey I kinda lost that.

Tara Murney: But I think that's actually what pulled me back out of it.

Tara Murney: So for example when we talk about quantum, we talk about like.

Tara Murney: So I live at the Lane of like spirituality in science I'm deeply routed into both like hero science I'm fascinated by the human brain I actually originally was going to university for criminology and then like just took me a different path and that's.

Tara Murney: Okay.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But I'm fascinated.

Tara Murney: By humans.

Tara Murney: And <unk>.

Tara Murney: Why they think the way they think?

Tara Murney: And why they do the things and especially being around millions Medi like I'm, even more curious, but I I fell into this.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: This.

Tara Murney: Uh avenue this Lane of energy and I realized that through my whole journey I was going to hospital Julie like every week thinking I was dying.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And the doctors could not.

Tara Murney: Find anything wrong with me mind you I wasn't telling them what was happening to me, but it was my fighter flight was constantly off and I was having anxiety attacks, panic attacks, thought I was dying.

Tara Murney: Constant early and I realized.

Tara Murney: Well we're all energy and I am carrying shame I'm carrying grief.

Tara Murney: I feel.

Tara Murney: So unloved.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Un wordy.

Tara Murney: All of the very suffering and struggling energy that is what we're made of were made of energy and so I tapped into by using like I learned to do Jiang I learned to do Komi I learned to heal myself with very agent wisdom like we've known this forever.

Tara Murney: We just of we teach in schools and I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Learned to move my.

Tara Murney: Energy in my body that was stuck that was causing me to be sick I moved it out of my body and I shifted into higher vibrations.

Tara Murney: So I'm talking like empowered ones like the the gratitude the.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Love and the joy.

Tara Murney: And all of the beautiful energy that we actually have within US and now I get to go when I get to teach these people and so I think one of my biggest struggles is in the business world I'm known as like the woo girl.

Tara Murney: Right.

Tara Murney: And so I'm always I'm on this mission to change the definition of who who really is just magic and we're all magic.

Tara Murney: We have it within US.

Tara Murney: Um and it's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Really.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: This like.

Tara Murney: Self discovery journey and so I've been working with a million to get myself into the business space I've been spending a lot of time with you know, like.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Really mentoring.

Tara Murney: Conscious leaders.

Tara Murney: So they have multi billion dollar business is but they really haven't done the inner work and they really never filled.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You can have all the money in.

Tara Murney: The world I know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Very wealthy people.

Tara Murney: Very successful people people that have exited eight nine ten twelve companies, but they're not happy and it's 'cause.

Tara Murney: They haven't taken that journey within.

Tara Murney: So I take them and we get to explore and we go in and we find those things and so for you for example when you don't when you say you don't like sharing things that's, because I already know that you're afraid of what people might think of you or that you're afraid of being criticized or judged I am.

Tara Murney: No longer like that I used to be like that.

Tara Murney: And a lot of women are like that and so I come in and teach them how to remove that and it's the most like <unk>, you wouldn't even have to pay me for the rest of my life there's just something.

Tara Murney: So profoundly satisfying from helping another person along their journey.

Tara Murney: So that they can show up and be the best highest version of themselves and it's through the quantum field it's through energy it's.

Tara Murney: All energy people come into your your whole like your journey or space based on your vibration.

Tara Murney: And they leave also based on your vibration I had all this bad stuff happening to me.

Tara Murney: Right.

Tara Murney: Which was very low.

Tara Murney: Vibrating.

Tara Murney: Well no wonder I was trying to kill myself.

Tara Murney: No wonder I was like stuck in shame.

Tara Murney: And grief and all this horrible things and a lot of people are going through that daily and you would never know, and they go home and they drink and they pick up other little things habits.

Tara Murney: Maybe six habits or drinking and drugs to numb that feeling, but that's not how you get rid of it it's through self discovery and so that's what I do that's the kind of Lane that I mean and it's been it's been incredible because just like you said if I could just get one person to shift their perspective to change their believe system to start betting on themselves and see how much potential we all have as human beings like I'm, not some crazy anomaly?

Tara Murney: We're.

Tara Murney: All like this.

Tara Murney: We kind of limit ourselves and a lot of that and you know, this is probably gonna I I'm.

Tara Murney: Sure you know, I'm deeply rooted in education and you've learned that already for me.

Tara Murney: So my biggest goal is not even just with a woman I'm I'm very rooted in helping woman.

Tara Murney: But the young girls because I wish somebody had been there for me and there.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Was there was nobody?

Tara Murney: It's not talked about it's like you can't say that you can't talk about that we don't talk about that stuff and so that's the Lane I'm in that's the line I'm going for and that's what I'm gonna end in.

Tara Murney: So that's what I want part of my legacy to be even one person just one person because it'll rip.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I love that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I was just talking with someone the other day I can't I I've.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Talked to a lot of people in the day.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Uh you know me I I run crazy fast, but I I was having conversation about.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Oh it was a very young a eighteen year old girl who wanted to interview me.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um about what I've done and she was wonderful and I loved her and we were talking about this and she was saying the same thing.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: She was saying everything you're saying is so resounding with me I wish I would have heard this.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah, years ago because she's in the process of finding her path and I always say it's the worst thing in the world for US to ship an eighteen year old into college and say pick your past now for the rest of your life.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Right.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I'm big on education I have all my accounts I started out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: One in one path and starting to follow that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Because that's what I thought I was supposed to do.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And eventually that changed always tell people what you wanna eighteen is gonna change it twenty three it's gonna change it twenty five and it's really gonna change it thirty and that's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Okay.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You know, we all have to start somewhere, but she has been trying to figure out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: What her?

Tara Murney: Path.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Is right.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and and desperately searching for this and I hear this over and over my daughter's thirteen I know you have wait is it for kids five kids and I.

Tara Murney: Have three <unk> y <unk>, because my my husband now has two.

Tara Murney: So we have five.

Tara Murney: Okay.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Five.

Tara Murney: Yes, but three of them are actually mine too or my stepchildren.

Tara Murney: Okay.

Tara Murney: So I still count that is five <unk>.

Tara Murney: Oh I can't there.

Tara Murney: [laughter] all know it [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: They.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But so I have a thirteen year old daughter who's in what I consider the toughest time of your girls life junior.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Right.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and and junior high I was talking to another.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Mama I'm like so I'm trying to understand why you girls become so mean in junior high what's the transition from six to seventh grade where they suddenly go from being these sweet.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Kids to these <unk> mean girls and it just was another conversation of like how can we reach them.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: How can we grab them?

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So you know what it's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Okay, when you get to junior high, you don't have to become mean and and make fun of other girls or do these things and so I, just I resonate with what you're saying because I'm living at right now like these kids and my daughter and I'm just like these are the.

Tara Murney: Girls we.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Need to grab now there are future leaders and so I love that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So what are you doing exactly with the use side?

Tara Murney: Of this <unk> the most.

Tara Murney: So and I'm sure you were very well aware of this.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um.

Tara Murney: There's a lot of red tape when it comes to education like so when I come in there.

Tara Murney: They're like oh, you can't have any any religion a anything religious I'm like it's.

Tara Murney: Not religious it's like it's human design, it's, human nature, it's, human behavior and for me I really wanted to get um in front of the grade Nines the tens elevens for sure a both female and mail actually 'cause I think as much as the girls have a lot going on.

Tara Murney: So the boys we have this toxic masculinity and we teach men that they got a man up, they can't be emotional and that's.

Tara Murney: Why half of these guys like especially here in Canada I'm huge on statistics are suicide rate for your boys from eighteen to twenty three is astronomical is disheartening?

Dr. Julie Ducharme: <unk> it.

Tara Murney: So my biggest goal is to get in front of these kids now.

Tara Murney: I'm very lucky, because I happen to know a lot of people in my area that I live I know the mares I know, everybody.

Tara Murney: So they let me come in speak which is good for me.

Tara Murney: I just need to get in front of these young girls and have this conversation and I'm very I.

Tara Murney: Do very well at connecting with people in general, but with these young girls I've been doing really really well but I'm trying to get it to actually be like incorporated into the school system, which has been my biggest challenge in life, but I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Refused to give.

Tara Murney: Up, because it's something that I think is needed.

Tara Murney: So I've been doing a lot of research my own work with my daughter because she's been through this already and we've got all of her friends involved, everybody and it turns out that the reason why they're like that is.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: 'cause they're looking.

Tara Murney: To belong.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: They don't.

Tara Murney: Know where they belong.

Tara Murney: They feel.

Tara Murney: So like think of a great night when we went to grade line it was overwhelming.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: We don't know if we should go.

Tara Murney: With this group or this group or we go with Valley girls or do we go with you know, the the quote unquote the geeks, but like there's, no.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: They just wanna belong.

Tara Murney: And so what they do is they come out of alignment.

Tara Murney: They don't know who they truly are there authentic real self and they change who they are to feel like they belong and that's.

Tara Murney: Why they're?

Tara Murney: So depressed that's.

Tara Murney: Why they're?

Tara Murney: So lost that's.

Tara Murney: Why they can't focus on school they're?

Tara Murney: Not getting great marks.

Tara Murney: Their social life is upside down.

Tara Murney: Because with who they truly are so they're, never really happy they're putting on masks.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: They're non alignment.

Tara Murney: They see instruction.

Tara Murney: They feel like they have to do this and be like this and looks like this and it's, just a huge mess and then Terra comes in there and get them to find out who they truly are and you know, <unk> talk about this a lot this is huge for me, we tell these kids that you gotta graduate you gotta go to college university, you gotta be a doctor gonna be a lawyer an accountant.

Tara Murney: So you can be successful in life and the reason why they're all miserable is because that's not what they want to do.

Tara Murney: That's not their purpose that's.

Tara Murney: Not the things that light them on fire I.

Tara Murney: Tell my kids all the time you wanna go out in a canoe and paint on campus for the rest your life I don't care as long as you're happy that's your purpose and so I'm really good at digging through and finding everybody's purpose Amelia calls it the zone of genius which is pretty much the same thing because we all are so uniquely <unk> decide your purpose is very different than my purpose and we can find similarities and parallels in our past to help each other go collectively.

Tara Murney: But everybody is so so different and so it's really important that we do that work to help them.

Tara Murney: Find alignment and so that they can walk in there authentic.

Tara Murney: So I'm a fun believer that half the reason why everybody's.

Tara Murney: So miserable in this world is because they're not truly who they are they're pretending to be people that their parents want them to be or that their husband or their spouse wants them to be and that's.

Tara Murney: Why everybody and we just came out of a pandemic?

Tara Murney: So that's on top of it.

Tara Murney: All the.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Other relation.

Tara Murney: Yeah.

Tara Murney: So.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Oh yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I wanna ask you a side question.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Do you.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: How do you feel social media has affected our young girls and the way that they are responding to it?

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: That's.

Tara Murney: A topic that's a whole.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: New pot.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yes.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So.

Tara Murney: [laughter] I actually put up a picture I don't know you saw my integral it was a picture of a Lady sitting in the shower sideways and I said this is true.

Tara Murney: It was something along the lines of like stop comparing yourself to other woman 'cause this is what the average woman actually looks like I got.

Tara Murney: So much fee back from that.

Tara Murney: Because a lot of parents are like yes, but unfortunately our kids are on tick tock which is one of the biggest platforms it trips.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Facebook it trips.

Tara Murney: Instrument and all these girls have filters they all have like they they're not who they are you can slim down these girls ways.

Tara Murney: There's like apps where literally I could change my whole entire face.

Tara Murney: So I had a stroke at twenty three.

Tara Murney: This eye is much smaller than this I, especially when I'm tired, you really noticed it like I noticed it tonight because it happens from the muscle never regaining.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Back these does stick.

Tara Murney: Rods in my face and try and shock the muscle and it never came, but that was from stress and from a stroke at twenty three I can put an app on my face and you would never notice it you would never you know, but I did a lot of work had to show up and like have this self confidence for years I wouldn't get on camera.

Tara Murney: These girls cannot get on camera if they're, not comfortable.

Tara Murney: So they just put apps on their face and.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So no wonder they're.

Tara Murney: Like not an alignment and they don't know who they are because they're not actually showing up as themselves saying Hey I have a slanted Hey my here's crazy today.

Tara Murney: It's like it's this mask.

Tara Murney: These constant masks.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So they never.

Tara Murney: Ever figure out.

Tara Murney: What true?

Tara Murney: Fulfillment in life is and the worst part for me is that I.

Tara Murney: Feel they're full of gifts and their Baird.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Their buried.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Beneath.

Tara Murney: Everybody's expectations.

Tara Murney: And society standards and what makes you successful.

Tara Murney: What makes you pretty what makes you you know a marriage material like all these crazy stuff?

Tara Murney: We didn't have that I had a pager.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I don't know you had.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But I had a pager <unk> I don't.

Tara Murney: Even have a brick phone like we didn't have this.

Tara Murney: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No well it's funny as my mom thought pagers were for drug dealers, so she was gonna she like those only drug dealer <unk> <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I didn't.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Get a cell phone until my maybe senior year of college or maybe after that I mean I remember taking computer class and like the Internet was barely going <unk>.

Tara Murney: Social.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: New started I really thought it because I just wasn't into it and then I start having client asked US to help him with it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So we had to get into it and then it came down to alright.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: This is Mark <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: This is business like we gotta be on this all the time.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Creating content I don't even let my kids get on social <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I've got you also because.

Tara Murney: You're very you're you're.

Tara Murney: Super intelligent.

Tara Murney: You also know it creates a dope me you know the ramifications of that and it's just so different than how you and I grew up.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I let them.

Tara Murney: Go on it Julie I I'll be honest, I.

Tara Murney: Do.

Tara Murney: But I time it number one and number two it's like a a give take relationship with me and my children you wanna have your phone.

Tara Murney: No problem.

Tara Murney: You get it for this amount of time and you're only allowed on this.

Tara Murney: This this you're not allowed to take off you're, not on this.

Tara Murney: But then they have to give me what I want and what I do is I take them back out.

Tara Murney: I take him outside.

Tara Murney: We walk through the forest.

Tara Murney: We walk through the parks I teach them how to ground and my children I'm very very I'm, very proud I'm very blessed.

Tara Murney: I'm very grateful they're very well rounded children they're very well rounded in their motions there they know who they are they want their curious, we were curious as kids.

Tara Murney: We lost that.

Tara Murney: Do you.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You mean so.

Tara Murney: They're really they're really doing well in that whole self discovery.

Tara Murney: Maybe 'cause they're mom is who she is, but there has to be a balance in life and I know, so many families, they just leave the kids.

Tara Murney: Let them sit let them sit on the phone.

Tara Murney: Let them that's.

Tara Murney: Why they're never happy?

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And it's just so.

Tara Murney: Sad and I don't think it's going anywhere.

Tara Murney: We're going towards the metal versus and so I think I wanna come up with an Apple I wanna come up with something I don't know specifically for these youth so they're, not stuck into that completely.

Tara Murney: So I wanna I know, I've been really ruminating on something.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Like that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I mean I agree and it's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: True and it's in.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So growing up I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Remember, like seventeen magazine and <unk> and I would look at those and look how pretty the woman were and also but I never knew that they were touching up pictures and you know, you see these woman and it was so unrealistic it seems so unattainable <unk> and no one ever back them would say you know, these are all touched up you know, they spent three hours in the makeup chair.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You know if you take it a certain angle, they look scanner.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um you know, so it wasn't much later, like I learned about that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But you had said something to that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No one ever talked about any talk about anything and it's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: True I mean I know, one talk to me about my worth growing up.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No one talked to me about my past there was an assumed or an assumption in culture that I would go to college and I would get a reasonable degree in some area that would make me money and that I should get married.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Right after college to a man with a really good job and and then have baby's.

Tara Murney: <unk>.

Tara Murney: And.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I didn't.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Do any of that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But um and and and it's interesting when you when I would come back home, you know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um and meet with you know, different people of are we grew up in a small farm community.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Oh you're, not married yet.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Well you're you're twenty three <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: No, we had three days you know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Oh you haven't had children yet is there something wrong.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: You know.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And you're like no I, just wanted to like travel.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: The world and you know experience life and so you know, having kids it's really interesting how it opens your eyes ask you what it is I mean even like when it talks to like when I talk about my body I very much have gotten away from ever saying I feel fat or I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Feel ugly, because I don't want my daughter to hear that our mimic that and you know, that's something that it's like I I become very conscious.

Tara Murney: Of that of having what.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I, but I show, because I realize she is absorbing everything that she sees she may not say it, but she's absorbing it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Oh yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And I.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I think the work you're doing with you is amazing, we need to multiply you like three hundred thousand <unk>.

Tara Murney: You.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: We need in the schools you know, my husband is an elementary teacher.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: He deals with this day and day out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: He sees it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um he's seen the evolution of kids over the last eighteen years and how they've changed with the technology and the social media.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: He said one of his biggest issues in this classroom is kids on <unk> billing each other on <unk> Graham, you know, that's I mean it's it's crazy that that he's dealing with social media in the classroom.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um so I just think that's amazing.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Well I wanna get to we talked about your youth and we talked a little bit about you working with a million um but I know you.

Tara Murney: Also have a podcast.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: That's coming out soon.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I wanna talk about that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Tara Murney: So Tara is one of those girls I think cause life has taught me this I was like I'm telling you it will be in that clicks serious I'm gonna do it one day I'm.

Tara Murney: Putting it into the universe I've been through.

Tara Murney: So much that I've learned.

Tara Murney: So much and every time something is frightening to me.

Tara Murney: I've gotten to the point where <unk> usually if it frightened me or makes me really nervous I run at it and so I wanted to do a podcast and then I got a little overwhelmed and I'm.

Tara Murney: Sure you know, 'cause you have your podcast like I'm, not tech savvy I don't know what kind of microphone to get like it was just too technical for me and I I kept putting it as an excuse and then I was frightened I was like what if nobody here's, my messaging and then I was like no that's, not what Terra does like tears gonna do it and then I heard Tim story.

Tara Murney: You know who <unk> story is.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yes.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Tara Murney: Yeah.

Tara Murney: Okay.

Tara Murney: So he was on club, house one day and he heard me talking about I think I was telling my story I was talking about forgiveness I believe and he said Hey Tara, he on my and he's like give a podcast and I was like no, he goes you should.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Because if you did I've.

Tara Murney: Listened to you every.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Day and.

Tara Murney: I was like wow if that isn't the world whispering I don't know it is and so I, just started a podcast of course it's directed towards the youth um I was really gonna need it to just boys, but I decide to open up to both.

Tara Murney: Um and of course educators like your your husband and parents.

Tara Murney: Um because sometimes um I don't know if you remember the show the nanny remember the shows <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: OK <unk>.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Huh.

Tara Murney: No the one where she would come in and the kids were like you know, running rapid or they had like they were diagnosed with ADHD I.

Tara Murney: Think she's Scottish or British <unk> and through behavior.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Tara Murney: Modification.

Tara Murney: Right.

Tara Murney: Millie entity.

Tara Murney: These kids didn't have any diagnosis and they weren't sick it was just behavior modification and when they changed she changed the parents behavior.

Tara Murney: The kids change and so.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I really wanted my.

Tara Murney: Message to be heard by the parents to 'cause.

Tara Murney: Sometimes I think these parents don't recognize and aren't accountable for their own actions.

Tara Murney: Like how you're just saying I'm very careful with the self love and the self talk even the words that I speak to myself.

Tara Murney: So that my daughter doesn't like she hears all that beautiful stuff.

Tara Murney: Well, some parents don't even recognize that.

Tara Murney: So I really wanted it to be focused for both the youth and the parents and so we're, just doing recording.

Tara Murney: Right now, but it will be launched a September fifteenth I believe and it will be available on Apple and spot if I and it's called the vision hearing five experience actually.

Tara Murney: Um and it's me and for gentleman.

Tara Murney: So it should be it's very interesting.

Tara Murney: We just recorded some of our episodes.

Tara Murney: The banter is organic, there's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Tons of Golden.

Tara Murney: Nuggets in there.

Tara Murney: I I provide lots of value tools.

Tara Murney: Um, an exercise is that at least the listener can take away.

Tara Murney: Um because it can change one home it ripples for me.

Tara Murney: Right.

Tara Murney: And so I've been one of my biggest a goals and I'm doing it.

Tara Murney: So I'm super excited.

Tara Murney: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: This is awesome.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Well when it comes out obviously tag me on it we're gonna everywhere.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: That'll be amazing.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and it is true.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I everything you're saying I just it resounds with me because um once again being involved obviously my husband in an elementary world me in college uh I <unk> the kids after they go through elementary and get to me and and that evolution I've watched over the last twenty two years it's really interesting to see how how they vault and how display this is needed and I always joke around I'm like well, if our kids get screwed up it's probably it's probably US I was joking.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: <unk> because you know, we're the ones like pouring and feeding into them and of course.

Tara Murney: Obviously the goal is.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Not to do that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah, but um what we do and what we saying how we believe is definitely effective.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I'm, super excited about that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Yeah, this well our time is getting we're running out and this is we could just talk forever.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: I <unk> go on forever, because everything you're doing is near and dear to my heart and I love it because you're genius is not my genius, but it's something that I desperately need and other people desperately need.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I hope that people will connect with you.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And if someone wants to connect with you, four coaching where should they go.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: How should they get to you?

Tara Murney: As so.

Tara Murney: Right now I've hired.

Tara Murney: Somebody to reboot my website.

Tara Murney: So that's probably not the the best option.

Tara Murney: So intercom um at Terra underscore Murray.

Tara Murney: Um I'm on there a lot I like to provide a lot of like really useful valuable tips and tools.

Tara Murney: Um you can reach me there or Lincoln I've been living a lot in the LinkedIn lands.

Tara Murney: Um because I've been working with a lot of conscious leaders that own businesses actually that are at the age of where like they're really successful, but they're not like filled.

Tara Murney: So it's like sixty sixty five, they own incredible companies want more of a life I've been spending a lot of time actually with those guys and getting them to tap into more of their purpose.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: But they just.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Not their skills.

Tara Murney: Their talents, but their purpose and I'm getting them to really tap into service.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Like what is the.

Tara Murney: Legacy that they want to leave and maybe maybe it's a non profit.

Tara Murney: Maybe it's a fundraiser, maybe it's I don't know opening up a maybe a spot or a a retreat or something and so that's been a real great space to the plan I'm kinda knew there.

Tara Murney: But I'm there every single day.

Tara Murney: So just send me a message and just say Hey I heard, you on Julie's amazing podcast and then I'll reach out to you.

Tara Murney: Yes.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: And and you are awesome, like you are on that.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: All the time like anytime I send you a message it's like boom I get something back I'm like oh my gosh, she's.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So good [laughter].

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So I love it.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Okay.

Tara Murney: Well thank you so much.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: For being on the show.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: Um for those you guys who maybe listening didn't catch all the links don't worry.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: We will put it when we put the podcast out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: We'll put all those links out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So you can grab them you can either watch this or hear this and we're on all the different channels out.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: There.

Dr. Julie Ducharme: So as I always say live love laugh and always be your authentic self.